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Rising Sun Web Comics

Shane McCoy had all the problems of an average kid, that is until he found himself with a pet ninja. 

Last Update 1/26/2017

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Henry is a simple hamster living among the drunken mice of Hooch Springs. 

Season 1

Red and Green, a comic about two little squares having big conversations.

Last Update 8/5/2022
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Season 2

Red and Green, a comic about two little squares having big conversations.

Last Update 8/24/2016

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The life and times of Ella Joy. 

Last Update 11/11/2016

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Purgatory Banner Imagebetteragain.jpg

The dead deal with the complications and contradictions of being dead.

ISSUE: 1 - 2

Last Update 5/26/2020

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Last Update 6/01/2020

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